Tuesday 18 December 2012

 Day Two

Another early start for us and we had breakfast at 7am for our 8am pick up with Travel lust
We met our guides Mehdi and Albert who were going to take us to all of our accommodation as well as do all the game drives and teach us about Uganda.
We were to travel in two land cruiser 79 series safari vehicles ( some of the toughest trucks ever made)
Myself, Tom, Magnus and Albert jumped in with Mehdi and Julie,Daniel,Thomas and Emil followed with Albert.

Off we go to Murchison falls and our first night in Paraa lodge on the nile river.
We had a very long drive and had to rush a little due to having suffered a blown out tire in my vehicle with Mehdi who did well not to crash!
But all was sorted and we made it to the top of the falls in time :)
Again forgive the quality of the compact camera images they are only for documentation

Mehdi and Albert sorting out the vehicle packing and making sure we are good to go from our nights accommodation at the Boma

Albert looking happy to be in the rear and Magnus preparing for the trip with a wide angle lens

Eshhh our blown out tire gave us some hassle to change but myself and Mehdi got it done and we carried on to Kampala

On our way we stopped at the main office in Kampala to sort all the paperwork and get funds for the trip.
as well as get money for the beverages of the night ;)

Very diffrent to Entebbe Kampala was very busy and the drivers where crazy! look at the motobike taxi's you have to be a serious thrill seeker to try one of them

One of the markets in Kampala with all the hustle and bustle you would expect

Glad we were in a indestructible land cruiser for this crazy traffic

There was thousands of fruit bats! all over the city sky's flying around as they were disturbed by all the people

you have to wonder why they roost in the city? with all the disturbance
another one of those comic African moment which was nice for the guests who are seeing Africa for the first time it never ceases to amaze me what these guys can carry and the crazy ways they do it! T.I.A

the very cool Ankole cattle that are found all over Uganda with their ridiculous over sized horns!
Another African special using wood as scaffolding whilst building

 Okay now lets have a look at our entrance and the animals we saw going into the Park our first leg in the side of the park we were on was a fast one as the tsetsi flies where out in force and if you know anything about them you want to avoid them!

Yes finally arrived to be bitten to death by Tsetsi flies

Albert looking very cool waiting for us to be signed in

The olive baboon was the first animal we saw and they were everywhere. our highlight coming in was seeing a chimp cross the road sadly no images

Portrait of a female Olive baboon
well for the rest of the drive we didn't stop because of the flies.
And finally we have reached the falls! and what a sight it is they are roaring through a narrow gap showing all of natures power and beauty.

Jump! a young olive baboon playing in the afternoon sun just before we got to the falls

Showing our ballerina skills on the boat up by demonstrating some real balance

A little portfolio of bufalo images i got just as we were about to get to the falls after the baboons

surely one of the coolest buffalo sightings i have had this year they were completely submerging themselves in the mud

what up homie?

not as sharp as i wanted but the image i was going for as a buffalo left the puddle of mud

works well in B&W too!
sorry last one but look how cool he is! half closed eyes and covered in mud yerp i am cool and i know it. Moooo
 Right after my false promises of images with a waterfall in them i will now deliver on that promise and show my attempt at some landscape which is not the best but i am getting there slowly :)

HDR image of the falls from above them and a nice rainbow

Another HDR please forgive the over saturation i am working on it and will get better i promise as this is my first attempt at HDR

Okay back to where i am comfortable with single exposures i love the different extremes of light making it difficult to shoot but rewarding
well that was all for this day as we took a short ferry trip to the other side of the park for our night accommodation and i must say i was impressed Paraa lodge is amazing really nice place and a pool over looking the nile with a bar in the middle need i say any more?


  1. Would you add the bat photos as a citizen-science observation to the AfriBats project on iNaturalist?:

    AfriBats will use your observations to better understand bat distributions and help protect bats in Africa. If you decide to share your observation, please locate your picture on the map as precisely as possible to maximise the scientific value of your records.

    Many thanks!

    PS: these are straw-coloured bats, Eidolon helvum

  2. Thank you Afribat! I will add the images for you.
    Good to know the species as well :)

    1. That would be lovely, Zane! Looking forward to your contribution.
