Sunday 16 December 2012

Boat cruise on the nile to the food of Murchison Falls after a good lunch at the lodge we set off for a short trip to the boat.
Upon arrival we were met by some elephants on the shore line and lazy hippos keeping cool in the water with just the top of their heads showing.

Getting some shots of the Elephants before we board the boat. i have no idea what that large flying thing is in the picture looks like a large beetle?

Don't worry he isn't annoyed at us i made sure we kept a safe distance this guy was just fanning himself with those huge ears

The ferry we have to use to get across the river to our lodge or to get of this side of the park.

All aboard! 

I must say the guides on the boats were very good only issue is with the noise of the boat they are hard to hear even with the speakers.
But they were very knowledgeable and polite
Okay on with the cruise.

Making a splash. This stretch of rive has one of the highest densities of hippo i have ever seen

Albert looking cool as usual and Thomas looking for birds but i am not sure about Julie maybe about to sneeze?

Even in this heat some sun bathing was taking place for some of the animals

you could get so close on the boat it was unreal and the hippos were not bothered

classic hippo yawning shot, should have heard the shutters go mad when this happened i was like a war zone

Even a pygmy hippo! what is with this place and the white gene? maybe that is why this is called the white nile. are the animals on the blue nile, blue?
well you may think we only saw hippo's from the above images but never fear we saw many different species.
Here are some of them

striking colours of the Red throated bee-eater

Grey headed kingfisher looking for water insects to feed on

African fish eagle waiting for some poor fish to surface

what would the rivers be with the annoying chatter or the Egyptian geese

red throated bee eaters nesting in the banks

big male Black and White colobus has a staring contest (i won)

Peek a boo
After the monkeys we got as close as we could to the falls and stopped for the guide to explain the history of the falls.
and was amazing to see them from the bottom and whiteness the power of nature. As corny as that sounds i cannot think of another way to describe it.

Wide angle to show you the view we had but it does not do the sound and scene justice.

you can see the power of the water as it crashes through the narrow gap at the bottom of the falls

Just another portrait of the falls

On the way back there was stuff to see and there were baboons to great us with their naughty antics when we returned to shore.

some of the largest crocs anywhere in Africa are in the Nile and this large male was huge about 17ft with his head about as long and wide as a mans torso!

fish eagle nest on the bank

Baboon having a good look if anyone left something tasty un-guarded

Male Olive baboon with that look in his eye, you can just imagine what he is thinking and looking for a opportunity to get a meal.

'Right time to go and raid some more' says mister baboon.
This was it for our day in Murchison falls national park and we headed back for a sun downer beer in the pool and dinner.
Then a early night to await our trip to Kibale tomorrow or the chimps.

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