Friday 22 June 2012

Last day on selati

Day Eleven

Our last day on Selati private game reserve.
For our last day we decided to go for the elephants as we have thus far been very unlucky with them on our previous trips.
The game is very nervous on Selati as all the rhino have been de-horned which was a massive project causing the wildlife to become nervous of people for a little while after.

We found the elephant signal easily and realised they where all together about 40 of them so our hopes where high of getting a sighting.

But they were proving hard to get once again and crossed the river just in front of us before we could see them. So we raced round to the bridge crossing to catch them on the other side.
Only to find them in a large block! despite this they were very close and the signal was on 5. We stopped and listened as they moved around in the bush just beyond our sight.
We moved to another road to try cut them off as they moved and it worked. We finally got a sighting with some of the herd crossing behind us.

Being silent waiting for the elephants to appear
Cow checking us out as she crosses the road i was kneeling next the vehicle to get a low angle

Youngster hastily making his way across the road
Curious cow wondering what we are. ( elephants have terrible eyesight)
After we chased the Elephants around all morning we decided to go have lunch and what better place than the river bed.
We also had a flat tire so could travel to far haha

But we still had fun in the river bed with some white fronted bee-eaters hunting for us and i managed to catch a barbel with my hands!

Magnus is watching me, as the rest if them chat about the conservation on the reserve
Catching some sun in the river bed where we relaxed for the hottest part of the day
White fronted bee-eaters wouldn't let us get to close but they were hunting well
A dragonfly which is pretty camouflaged on the rocks
My prize catch a small Barbel ( catfish)
Changing the wheel on the mahindra after the valve went
In the afternoon we just drove around looking for wildlife and found some more giraffe and impala as well as the ever present Waterbuck and warthogs. We did go check on the new lions in their boma but they were sleeping by the waterhole in the middle so no chance of a photograph.

Here are some other species we saw, Unfortunately no good photographic opportunities to be had today but still was enjoyable to spend the day in the bush. 

Not a good image but its our first nyala we have seen so worth showing you

Everywhere we go pumba turns up
 One of my favorite birds the african hawk eagle
Peering at me, small Striped kingfisher which primarily does not fish and catches bugs instead
Endangered Saddle billed stork (female)

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